Better late than never
[8/28: Belatedly posting an email I sent just after I got back to the States. Yes, that was more than a month ago; yes, that's lame; and yes, I'll get around to sending pictures and writing up the rest of the trip one of these days.]
"Oh my god!"
This is not something you want to hear from any medical professional
peering into your ear. Apparently I have carried a souvenir from the
beach in Pakistan with me in the form of enough sand in my auditory
canal to cause an ear infection and severe vertigo (spinning world,
imbalance). Oh, and not to be outdone, Turkey has also left its mark
on me: the cough that started in Cappadocia and caused great concern
and alarm amongst all my surrogate parents (thanks Paul/Ambika,
Ferakh/Murtaza, Clare/Dave!) appears to be, yes, pneumonia. Again.
Unless it's TB, which I'll know in a couple days.
Not to worry -- my parents are taking good care of me, and I'm sure
both my inner ear and my lungs will be back in order soon. Just
thought I'd let y'all know that I'm back, safe and (mostly) sound.
Thanks to various caretakers, travelmates and well-wishers; hello and
see you soon to long-neglected locals!
"Oh my god!"
This is not something you want to hear from any medical professional
peering into your ear. Apparently I have carried a souvenir from the
beach in Pakistan with me in the form of enough sand in my auditory
canal to cause an ear infection and severe vertigo (spinning world,
imbalance). Oh, and not to be outdone, Turkey has also left its mark
on me: the cough that started in Cappadocia and caused great concern
and alarm amongst all my surrogate parents (thanks Paul/Ambika,
Ferakh/Murtaza, Clare/Dave!) appears to be, yes, pneumonia. Again.
Unless it's TB, which I'll know in a couple days.
Not to worry -- my parents are taking good care of me, and I'm sure
both my inner ear and my lungs will be back in order soon. Just
thought I'd let y'all know that I'm back, safe and (mostly) sound.
Thanks to various caretakers, travelmates and well-wishers; hello and
see you soon to long-neglected locals!
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